Turning your Windows PC into a Wi-Fi hotspot
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Setting it up
MSDN has a detailed explanation about the command-line instructions you need to run to enable the built-in Wi-Fi hotspot functionality of your Windows PC, but in a nutshell this is it:
- Start an Administrator command prompt (Win+X, A)
- Run:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=YOUR_NETWORK_NAME key=YOUR_PASSWORD
This sets up a "hosted network" with the network name and password specified. The password is required and has to be between 8 and 63 characters.
- Start the "hosted network" (i.e. your hotspot) with:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
This will add a new network connection called "Local Area Connection* xx" where xx is a number. This is a "Microsoft Hosted Network Adapter". You can rename this connection to "Hotspot" or something similar.
According to MSDN, this will work from Windows 7 and up with certified Windows drivers for your Wi-Fi adapter. I've only tested this on Windows 10.
Next - and this is the crucial step! - you need to enable sharing on another network connection, allowing your hotspot to connect to the internet.
Sharing your Wi-Fi
When you're in a hotel and you can only connect a single device to its Wi-Fi network, you'll want to share your Wi-Fi connection:
- Open Network Connections (Win+X, W)
- Right-click the physical Wi-Fi adapter
- Click Properties
- Go to the Sharing tab
- Check "Allow other network users to connect though the computer's internet connection"
- Click OK
It's amazing, but the hotspot will maintain two simultaneous Wi-Fi networks - the hotel network you're actually connected to and the hosted network your PC broadcasts to allow it to function as a hotspot!
Sharing your cable
On the other hand, the problem may be that there is no Wi-Fi network available, only an Ethernet network cable. In that case you probably want to share your Ethernet connection:
- Open Network Connections (Win+X, W)
- Right-click the physical ethernet adapter
- Click Properties
- Go to the Sharing tab
- Check "Allow other network users to connect though the computer's internet connection"
- Select the newly created hotspot connection name ("Local Area Connection* xx" or "Hotspot") in the dropdown list
- Click OK
Either way, now you can connect your phone or any other Wi-Fi capable device to your new Wi-Fi hotspot. The hosted network seems to allows up to 100 devices to connect.
Stopping the hotspot
To stop the hotspot, launch an Administrator Command Prompt again and type:
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
This will make your newly created network connection disappear from Network Connections.
Caution: DO NOT DISABLE THIS CONNECTION FROM NETWORK CONNECTIONS as this will permanently mess it up. You have to re-enable the adapter using Device Manager if this happens. Just use the command line - or create a batch file.