EncodingDetector Source Code

This code was downloaded from MOBZystems, Home of Tools. No license, use at will. And at your own risk!

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace MOBZystems.Text
  /// EncodingDetector. Detects the Encoding used in byte arrays
  /// or files by testing the start of the file for a Byte Order Mark
  /// (called 'preamble' in .NET).
  /// Use ReadAllText() to read a file using a detected encoding.
  /// All encodings that have a preamble are supported.
  public class EncodingDetector
    /// Helper class to store information about encodings
    /// with a preamble
    protected class PreambleInfo
      protected Encoding _encoding;
      protected byte[] _preamble;
      /// Property Encoding (Encoding).
      public Encoding Encoding
        get { return this._encoding; }
      /// Property Preamble (byte[]).
      public byte[] Preamble
        get { return this._preamble; }
      /// Constructor with preamble and encoding
      ///<param name="encoding"></param>
      ///<param name="preamble"></param>
      public PreambleInfo(Encoding encoding, byte[] preamble)
        this._encoding = encoding;
        this._preamble = preamble;
    // The list of encodings with a preamble,
    // sorted longest preamble first.
    protected static SortedList<int, PreambleInfo> _preambles = null;
    // Maximum length of all preamles
    protected static int _maxPreambleLength = 0;
    /// Read the contents of a text file as a string. Scan for a preamble first.
    /// If a preamble is found, the corresponding encoding is used.
    /// If no preamble is found, the supplied defaultEncoding is used.
    ///<param name="filename">The name of the file to read</param>
    ///<param name="defaultEncoding">The encoding to use if no preamble present</param>
    ///<param name="usedEncoding">The actual encoding used</param>
    ///<returns>The contents of the file as a string</returns>
    public static string ReadAllText(string filename, Encoding defaultEncoding, out Encoding usedEncoding)
      // Read the contents of the file as an array of bytes
      byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
      // Detect the encoding of the file:
      usedEncoding = DetectEncoding(bytes);
      // If none found, use the default encoding.
      // Otherwise, determine the length of the encoding markers in the file
      int offset;
      if (usedEncoding == null)
        offset = 0;
        usedEncoding = defaultEncoding;
        offset = usedEncoding.GetPreamble().Length;
      // Now interpret the bytes according to the encoding,
      // skipping the preample (if any)
      return usedEncoding.GetString(bytes, offset, bytes.Length - offset);
    /// Detect the encoding in an array of bytes.
    ///<param name="bytes"></param>
    ///<returns>The encoding found, or null</returns>
    public static Encoding DetectEncoding(byte[] bytes)
      // Scan for encodings if we haven't done so
      if (_preambles == null)
      // Try each preamble in turn
      foreach (PreambleInfo info in _preambles.Values)
        // Match all bytes in the preamble
        bool match = true;
        if (bytes.Length >= info.Preamble.Length)
          for (int i = 0; i < info.Preamble.Length; i++)
            if (bytes[i] != info.Preamble[i])
              match = false;
          if (match)
            return info.Encoding;
      return null;
    /// Detect the encoding of a file. Reads just enough of
    /// the file to be able to detect a preamble.
    ///<param name="filename">The path name of the file</param>
    ///<returns>The encoding detected, or null if no preamble found</returns>
    public static Encoding DetectEncoding(string filename)
      // Scan for encodings if we haven't done so
      if (_preambles == null)
      using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
        // Never read more than the length of the file
        // or the maximum preamble length
        long n = stream.Length;
        // No bytes? No encoding!
        if (n == 0)
          return null;
        // Read the minimum amount necessary
        if (n > _maxPreambleLength)
          n = _maxPreambleLength;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[n];
        stream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)n);
        // Detect the encoding from the byte array
        return DetectEncoding(bytes);
    /// Loop over all available encodings and store those
    /// with a preamble in the _preambles list.
    /// The list is sorted by preamble length,
    /// longest preamble first. This prevents
    /// a short preamble 'masking' a longer one
    /// later in the list.
    protected static void ScanEncodings()
      // Create a new sorted list of preambles
      _preambles = new SortedList<int, PreambleInfo>();
      // Loop over all encodings
      foreach (EncodingInfo encodingInfo in Encoding.GetEncodings())
        // Do we have a preamble?
        byte[] preamble = encodingInfo.GetEncoding().GetPreamble();
        if (preamble.Length > 0)
          // Add it to the collection, inversely sorted by preamble length
          // (and code page, to keep the keys unique)
          _preambles.Add(-(preamble.Length * 1000000 + encodingInfo.CodePage),
             new PreambleInfo(encodingInfo.GetEncoding(), preamble));
          // Update the maximum preamble length if this one's longer
          if (preamble.Length > _maxPreambleLength)
            _maxPreambleLength = preamble.Length;